Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I think it is quite amusing that people argue against us. If they want to talk smack why don't they do it to our face? Anyways...this is a link to a forum that is still talking about the battle. Whoever is defending us...THANK YOU!!! If any of you want to see here it is:

Don't spend too much time on it, but it is quite amusing.


Cynthia B. said...

I have become quite interested in this thread. So interested that I actually joined it. It is really sad at what some of the people are saying. I am so sorry this has happened to your family. I continue to defend your family on the thread because I think your family is totally in the right on this matter. I think it is so sad, the things that people are willing to say. Continue to fight. If it were me, I would fight until I got him back. Especially knowing that he were put into a dangerous home. I just had a baby about 5 months ago and I could never imagine the feelings I would feel if he was taken away from me. I give you and your family so much credit, you guys are showing such strength and will.

Angela Kramer said...

Hello Heather. I want you to know that your family is in my thoughts. Please know there are many people out there who are quietly praying for a positive outcome for your family.

I found your story while doing research on adoption agencies. We are currently working with the same agency. We are in the process of being matched. I was wondering what red flags we should be watching for and questions we should be asking. Do you feel the agency has been supportive? I have to admit I am a little scared going into this.

Again, please know we are keeping you in our prayers and look forward to your posts. I am glad the media is continuing to follow this. Hopefully greater awareness of your fight will enable a positive outcome.

Heather said...


Please comment again with your email address...i will NOT post it, but will be able to contact you and speak with you further about your concerns. I am glad you found us, and am excited to hear from you.


Conniekins said...

I continue to post my comments on this site. It is so amazing how many people have been touched by Talon's story and how amazingly strong you are(HUGS). Our stories are so much alike. I find strength daily thinking about the trials your family has endured. I know my time with my 2 girls is fading fast and soon they will no longer be with me. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Talon is but a small child who has no voice. If he did have a voice I'm sure he'd say, I want to go back home and he'd curse those who took him out of his loving stable home. The more we share Talon's story, the louder Talon's voice becomes. We continue to open our mouths not only to tell of Talon's story but also to a Father above in prayer. I invite all to do the same. Miracles have not cease, we see them everyday.

non-laminite said...

I am sorry - this story is coming to an end.
I check back here every so often to see how the struggle goes, but there hasn't been any updates in quite awhile - does that mean you've given up?

Lisa said...

Any updates?

Lisa said...

Any news on update yet. How is Talon?

Lisa said...

Any update news yet?

Hear from you soon.


Plain Jame said...

I have followed your story as my best friend is in your ward (Karie C.). I just heard that a Utah man that was a dept head at BYU was just made the Native American Ambassador. Not that it means anything at all, but we hope for that law to be changed and that families will not be able to be taken advantage of like yours has been. My heart aches for you, but your strength and fight has been an inspiration to SO many. Best wishes Heather!