Friday, December 19, 2008

No Gag Order

Just thought I'd clarify. There was no gag order put on me. It is simply that the tribal court proceedings are to remain confidential. Just thought I'd try to clarify. Thanks for all your continued support. We are so blessed to have so many prayers coming our way, and for everyone else involved as well. Thank you all and may God bless!!


Maddy said...

wow, can they really do that? Man, that just seems so counterproductive of what you're trying to do. We'll keep praying for you!! we <3 you!

Michele said...

Am I correct in assuming that you can still grant interviews, but you are just not allowed to talk about what happened Friday and going forward?

Christie said...

Yuck! This is just so frustrating!!! One day, when this is all over, you'll have to write a book to let Talon know how much you fought over him. And to let the rest of us know all the details that we can't know right now ;-)!

Just Us said...

I found your blog via someone else's blog, and I pray that Talon is returned to you!

Michele said...

Are you allowed to mention if you meet again?