Monday, October 12, 2009

Natasha Texted me!

Hey everyone! Just thought I'd let you know that Natasha texted me. She says he is doing fine, and sent a picture. I have been pretty out of it lately, just going through the paces. The summer and fall have been fun, but hard at the same time. Every time we do something that we did last year, I think about having Talon with me the last time I did this...

I feel like we are doing better and better all the time, but I don't think the pain will EVER completely go away.

Thank you for all your support!


Lisa said...

Glad you know he is ok...

Amy said...

Thanks for the update, you are always in our prayers.

Jeni said...

Love you. You are doing awesome.

Lisa said...

Any upadte on your family?

Terry and Amy Wilson said...

I just wanted to leave you a comment that your story is something I won't forget. My husband & I are trying to finalize 2 separate adoptions of 5 children and I cannot imagine if something happened (and we've certainly had setbacks). I think our country needs to change the laws in cases like yours. This should never happen!!! I'm sorry for your loss and hope you are continuing the heal.

Mikal said...

Hi there

I had heard of your story and came to your blog to read more.

My husband and I have a 2 yr old son we have adopted. We had a 6 month old daughter that we were attempting to adopt, but she was reclaimed last a horrible, unbelieveable situation. We are devastated and trying to find a way to cope and are not doing well, but I found some comfort in your blog and story....another mother that knows my pain. It was inspiring for me to read your posts. I wanted you to know that, and that it helped me right now. I did not feel as alone.

My thoughts are with you and your family