Sunday, January 4, 2009

different case

Here is a different case, but I believe the same circumstances. This woman was using drugs while pregnant but her outcome was quite different. What is the difference?


Manthony said...

Wasn't Natasha using methadone to come off of her drug use as opposed to the woman in the article who was using "meth, marajuana, and Xanax?" That seems like a pretty significant difference...

Heather said...


Yes Natasha was using Methadone to come off her other drug, however...that is not all that was in the baby's system. There was another opiate in his system when he was born. She also confessed to us to using Heroine, and abusing pain pills such as percocet while she was pregnant. Just because she supposedly stopped toward the end of the pregnancy doesn't mean that it didn't effect the baby. Anyways...hopefully that helps you understand why I feel it is similar. Feel free to write another comment if you have any questions.

Manthony said...

Gotcha, makes more sense now from what I'd understood before.

markelly said...

We have an American Indian baby placed in foster care via social services. I picked him up at 3 days old from the hospital. He's drug mom's 4th boy taken and 2nd from drug dad. We've been notified that if either a family member hasn't taken custudy of him or mom & dad get him returned, he goes under the tribe. there is alot more to this story. I'd love to "talk" to you. thanks for sharing your heart. btw he wasn't identified as an american indian baby until about a week after he was placed. hugs~~kelly

Heather said...


I don't know if you will look here, but I would be more than willing to talk to you. You can email me at . Hope to hear from you soon.